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Success Leadership Series is comprised of several modules designed to offer a higher, more comprehensive level of training for developing strong leadership skills. In addition to the presentation materials, each program also provides ample opportunity for participants to practice what they have learned.

Each module is conducted as a workshop of one or more sessions with five or more participants from your club, company or community. Every module includes a script and instructions for presenting the program. Most modules also include PowerPoint presentations and participant notebooks.

As the seminar leader, you will

    • Develop strong presentation skills

    • Improve your training abilities

    • Demonstrate teaching skills in a workshop environment

    • Learn the "ins and outs" of meeting planning

    • Gain expertise with visual aids

    • Provide a much needed educational service to others

Presentation of a Success Leadership Series can help fulfill one of the requirements for Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) award.

The chart below lists the Success Leadership Series modules. Click on the titles to see a summary of an individual module.

How to Conduct Productive Meetings

Learn the techniques and dynamics for conducting productive meetings in any group. A group leader working from a coordinator's guide reviews the techniques and dynamics of small group meetings. Materials for eight people.  (order materials)


  • Effective purpose statements

  • Leading a meeting


1 hour

Improving Your Management Skills

Managers are an integral part of any organization. Our society depends on the goods and services provided by the organizations these individuals manage. Each of us has experience with managers every day, directly and indirectly, as we come into contact with businesses and other organizations. Whether we have positive experiences in these encounters depends greatly on the people who manage them. This program helps participants develop the skills and qualities required to be an effective manager and shows how they can incorporate them into their own work. Materials for 10 participants.  (order materials)


  • Defining management

  • Identifying the four major management skills

  • Setting goals

  • Motivating others

  • Coaching for succes

  • Solving problems


2.5 - 3 hours

Leadership Part I: Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Leaders influence and inspire group members and motivate followers to achieve a mission or goal. They have power. This educational workshop explores the qualities, values and styles effective leaders display and helps participants identify their own leadership style and determine the team's leadership needs. Materials for 10 participants.  (order materials)


  • Determining your leadership style

  • Determining team leadership need

  • Discussing leadership gaps and leadership matches


90 minutes

Leadership Part II: Developing Your Leadership Skills

To be an effective leader, you must have the ability to accept and overcome challenges. By being a positive influence, you will help members to function productively and to deliver quality performance. This module teaches the skills and techniques needed to be an effective leader, such as contracting for excellence, team-building, motivation and coaching. Materials for 10 participants.  (order materials)


  • Discussing personal fulfillment

  • Discussing contracts

  • Discussing motivation

  • Coaching team members to improve performance


60 to 90 minutes

Leadership Part III: Working in the Team Environment

This educational program helps participants learn to use their leadership skills as they pertain to working with and leading teams. Materials for 10 participants.  (order materials)


  • Developing team relations

  • Encouraging commitment

  • Providing structure

  • Building trust

  • Resolving conflict


60 to 90 minutes

Parliamentary Procedure in Action

Appropriate rules of order are a must in most corporations, associations or organizations. The ability to understand and apply parliamentary skills is a much sought after quality among managers and leaders. This series of modules is designed to provide Toastmasters with the basic skills to effectively lead and participate in parliamentary discussion. The materials include a script to teach parliamentary procedure in five 15-minute sessions to any number of people. Materials for 10 participants.  (order materials)


  • Learning subsidiary motions

  • Handling privileged motions

  • Identifying incidental motions


5 sessions, 15 minutes each



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