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Trend-Setting in the New Millenium
(How Well Do You Speak?)

Why speech training? For three good reasons!

Good speech patterns will enhance your image. Many people take care to look good. But do we sound nearly as good? Broken English and mispronunciation can affect your "voice image ".

The art of speaking well will be a crucial skill in the new milenium. The universities of the world are gearing towards that direction. Not only do graduates have to think creatively, they also have to communicate effectively.

Speaking skills will give you just that competitive edge for success. Picture the scenario. Two job applicants. Similar background; identical qualflcations. Who will get the job? You guessed it! The one who "speaks nicely ".

For speech improvement, talk to us - the speech people.
Rhetoric Speech Consultants
Tel: 6469-1913 (0); 9652-1650 (HP)


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