SIA Toastmasters Club, Chapter Meeting, 15 October, 2003, 7pm

Poetry Night

SIA Poetry Night - by General Evaluator, ATM-G Patricia Lum

Good Evening,

Why do we say good evening, it’s not felicitous

When the night is still young

The Wine still cool

The company still warm


But my home is waiting

My baby howling

My dog sleeping

I really have to say good evening


But wait, we can still have a minute, a felicitous minute

The storm’s brewing

The wind’s blowing

And your arms warming


The home can wait

The baby will sleep

The dog will leap

Upon my home coming

So there is no need for good evening


By Plum

(You told me to come with a poem, penned specially for the occasion.)



For my evaluation, I gave this:


I was tasked to be your LE.

But you have John Sih, how felicitous


With all your minds so beautiful

Your look so smart

Your intonation in place

Your grammar is passed


You don’t want me to be your  LE 

So here I am, your GE



GE 3 times over,

Things get better and better

Tonight, I am so glad you add on your special

A Poetry night, keep it leisure


Great work

Smart Look

Creative mind

Beautifully Bind



What else, where else

Do I look

In a meeting

So lean, yet full of aim


President elsewhere working?

VPE double tasked and Poetry leading

TME a star so inspiring.  SAA has other work linking.

Timer keeps checking, Ah Counting losing himself in hunting for the humming


Table Topics Master and speakers, oh they are a missing

P6 speaker fascinating, P10 speaker motivating.

Your evaluators so caring and charming

Your rightful LE so mesmerizing


Just a moment, on time meeting is important

Or we will all be wooden

Going home late again

It will be funny, if we don’t feel sorry


So here you are,

your meeting in a poem

From yours truly,

Patricia Lum better known as Plum.