Annual Report from Division D Governor

Tay Yiang Ping ATMB AL

Division D Exco Officers

Division D Governor

Tay Yiang Ping ATMB AL

Assistant Division D Governor – Education & Training

Michael Rodrigues DTM

Assistant Division D Governor – Marketing

Albert Lim DTM

Assistant Division D Governor – Public Relations

Chee Kim Loon CL

Division Secretary

Poh Liang Siah CL

Division Treasurer

Monica Goh CL

Assistant Division Treasurer

Rose Ho CL

Area ‘D1’ Governor

S. Narayanaswamy ATMG CL

Area ‘D2’ Governor

Golam Hossain CL

Area ‘D3’ Governor

Yeo Chai Tun ATMS CL

Area ‘D4’ Governor

Teo Kim See ATMB CL

Area ‘D5’ Governor

Rebekah Lee ATMB CL

Area ‘D6’ Governor

Tony Teo CL

Division Advisor

Lynn Desker DTM

Division Advisor

James Lim DTM

Division D started the term with 29 base Clubs and the majority are in-house Clubs. Today we have 30 Clubs with Bukit Timah TMC chartered on 27th September 2005.
Make Members Matter” is the motto of Division D.
Division Council Meeting
Division Exco Meetings were held on 29th June 2005, 6th September 2005, 17th November 2005, 6th January 2006 and 1st April 2006
Membership Recruitment & Retention
Area Governors are working closely with Clubs that are below charter strength to bring up the membership. In order to rebuild membership, NBS Staff TMC has been renamed to Orchard TMC and is now a Community Club.
Division D Clubs have recruited 322 new members as at 30th April 2006.
Club Extension
Bukit Timah CC TMC was chartered on 27th September 2005 in Area D1.
Special Thanks to Club Sponsors - Jocelyn Siew AL & Poh Liang Siah CTM; Club Mentors – Chee Kim Loon CL & Tan Chuan Hoh ATMB CL; Sponsoring Clubs – Bukit Timah Mandarin TMC & Queenstown TMC.

There are few potential in-house clubs in the pipeline for chartering before end of the term:
a.     Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 
b.     Credit Suisse First Boston   
c.     NTU II - Split from NTU TMC.
Club Officers Training
1st Club Officers Training on 16th July 2005, Saturday at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 26 Clubs out of the 29 base Clubs met their training goals for the Distinguished Club Program.
2nd Club Officers Training on 14th January 2006, Saturday at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 25 Clubs out of the 30 Clubs met their training goals for the Distinguished Club Program.
Educational Achievement / New Members Recruitment as at 30th April 2006
Education /
Total Target %
CTM 8 7 6 11 5 6 43 47 91%
1 2
1 6 12 92%
1 1


1 4 24 88%
CL 2 1 1 2 3 1 11
3 2

1 6
New Members 57 55 48 54 76 32 322
120 268%
Distinguished Club, Area & Division Report as at 30th April 2006

The Distinguished Area Report Summary is as shown below
Total Target %
October Dues Y Y Y Y Y Y 29 18 161%
April Dues Y Y Y Y Y Y 27 18 150%
CTM Y 7/8 6/8 Y 5/8 6/8 43 47 91%
ATM Y Y Y Y Y 1/2 11 12 92%
DCP 2/3 2/3 Y Y 1/3 1/3 11 17 65%
October Visit Y Y Y Y Y Y 28 23 122%
April Visit Y Y Y Y Y Y 28 23 122%
Current Dues
(20 members)
Y Y Y Y 2/3 1/3 16 17 94%
Paid Base Clubs Y Y Y Y Y 4/5 28 29 97%
New Club 1

1 1 100%
Area Award D

3 6 50%
Presidents’ Distinguished Clubs – SRC & NTUC TMC
Select Distinguished Clubs – Queenstown TMC, Cairnhill TMC, Toa Payoh Central CC TMC,  NTU TMC & Money Mastery Singapore TMC.
Distinguished Clubs – Singapore Tamil TMC, CPA TMC, CPA Australia TMC & RTC TMC.
We forecast at least 10 Presidents’ Distinguished Clubs (1/3 of Clubs) by end of the Term.

Select Distinguished Area – Area D4
Distinguished Areas – Area D1 & D3
All other Areas are working towards Distinguished Area status. We foresee that almost all of the Areas will be Distinguished Area by end of the term.

Division D has chartered one Club (Bukit Timah Toastmasters Club) in Oct 2005. We foresee that there will not be any lost club this term. We are currently working on 3 new Clubs and target to charter 3 Clubs before end of the term to achieve President Distinguished Division.

Division Contests
Division Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contest was held on 8th Oct 2005 at YWCA Fort Canning Lodge

Our Winners

Humorous Speech Contest

Evaluation Speech Contest

Vasanth Seshadri (D4 - NTU Club)

Pradeep Kumar (D2 - SRC Club)

Jeshua Solomon Judah  (D6 - SIA Club)

John Monteiro (D6 - Money Mastery Club)

2nd Runner-Up:
Daniel Ong (D2 - SRC Club)

2nd Runner-Up:
Keloth Prem (D5 - NTUC Income English Club)

Division International Speech and Table Topics Contest was held on 1st April 2006 at Queenstown CC Auditorium

Our Winners

International Speech Contest

Table Topics Contest

Pradeep Kumar  (D2 - SRC Club)

 Lora Lee  (D5 - YMCA  Club)

Lora Lee   (D5 - YMCA Club)

John Monteiro (D6 - Money Mastery Club)

2nd Runner-Up:
Vasanth Seshadri (D4 - NTU Club)

2nd Runner-Up:
Judy McBurney
(D3 - New Millennium Advance Club)

Division D Realignment
It is proposed that Division D to be realigned to 7 Areas for next term. This is inline with Toastmasters International policy for minimum number of Clubs per Area and taking into consideration the weak Clubs in the Division. Division D Council Members and the Clubs affected have accepted the proposed alignment. Please refer to Annex 1 for the realignment details. The Area Governors for the incoming term are as follows:

Area D1 Governor Elect: Rose Ho CL
Area D2 Governor Elect: Dayal Khemlani ATMB CL
Area D3 Governor Elect: Monica Goh CL
Area D4 Governor Elect: Judy Mcburney CL
Area D5 Governor Elect: Devi M. Koperum ATMS CL
Area D6 Governor Elect: Byron Nifakis CL
Area D7 Governor - We recommend Bruno Pereira ATMG CL as the AG D7 2006-2007.

Toastmaster of the Year
Their respective Area has elected the following Toastmasters as Area Toastmaster of the Year:
Area D1 Toastmaster of the Year: Chee Kim Loon CL (Queenstown TMC)
Area D2 Toastmaster of the Year: Michael Rodrigues DTM (SRC)
Area D3 Toastmaster of the Year: Albert Lim DTM (TPCCC TMC)
Area D4 Toastmaster of the Year: Heng Rui Jie CL (NTU TMC)
Area D5 Toastmaster of the Year: Devi M. Koperum ATMS CL (NTUC TMC)
Area D6 Toastmaster of the Year: Christopher Yeow ATM-B CL (Bedok TMC)

Division D has selected Michael Rodrigues from SRC as the Division D Toastmaster of the Year.
Division Activities
A. Three workshops were conducted:
13th August 2005, Division D & S jointly organized Humour Workshop – “Thrill Them Through Humour”, it was full house with 150 participants at Nee Soon South CC, hosted by New Millennium Advanced TMC and Braddell Heights Advance TMC
20th August 2005, Body Language Workshop conducted by John Sih DTM, there were 200+ participants.
15th April, 2006, Parliamentary Procedure In Action Workshop conducted by LGM Michael Wee DTM,  Organising Chair – Ong Sin Tiong ATMB AL. There were 50 participants.
B. Division D 10th Anniversary Celebration on 8th October 2005
It was a very successful event! Special thanks to the following Team players:
Contest Organising Chair – KS Teo ATMB CL and his Team for the Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests, 270 participants
Dinner Organising Chair – Tony Teo CL and his Team for the Gala Dinner with Area Performances, 23 Tables filled
Chief Editor – Burt Choo CL, Deputy Editor – Narayanaswamy Subramanian  and their Team for the 108 pages A4 Commemorative Magazine (100% Clubs participation!), the First English Division Magazine in Singapore.
It was a GREAT demonstration of Leadership and Teamwork!
C. TI Bulk Purchase Order for Division D Clubs

Division D Council and Clubs have benefited from the arrangement with 10% discount and lower shipping charges from TI Bulk Purchase Order. Special thanks to our Coordinator – Poh Liang Siah CL.
D. Division D International Speech and Table Topics Contests on 1st April 2006

It was a very successful event! Special thanks to Contest Organising Chair – Golam Hossain CL, and his Team Leaders, Yeo Chai Tun ATMS CL, Rebekah Lee ATMB CL and Tony Teo CL
E. Speech Craft & Communication Programme for Young Inmates (age 17-21) at Changi Prison Cluster A
It is an On Going 6 weekly sessions, headed by Michael Rodrigues DTM
Other members from Division D: Pradeep Kumar, Christopher Yeow, Aziz Mustajab, Tony Teo, Saint Yi Htet, Gurmit Singh, Elizebeth Mary Thorarajoo
F. Upcoming Workshop:
3rd June 2006, Achievers’ Day, Organising Chair – Yeo Chai Tun ATMS CL
10th June 2006, Making Music with Your Voice conducted by John Sih DTM, it is also  
our Division D Hall of Fame to recognize our Council and Toastmasters Contribution to
their Clubs, Areas, Division and District. Organising Chair – Rebekah Lee ATMB CL
Division D has very committed Area Governors. All Assistant Division Governors, Secretary and Treasurer are all playing their roles diligently too!
I would like to thank them for their dedication, commitment and assistance in managing the Division efficiently.
I would also like to thank all members and Club Officers in Division D for their Great Support for the past Events organised by Division D!